Free Safelists, credit based safelist advertising from Global Safelist
Total Members: 19964

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1. What is a safelist?
2. Do safelists really work?
3. How does the credit based mailer work?
4. What is 1 credit worth?
5. How can I earn credits?
6. What is the Ad Rotation System?
7. How does the Ad Rotation System work?
8. Who can use the ARS?
9.What does it cost for my ad to be displayed?
10.What kind of banners or ads can I display with ARS?
11.When I send an ad, I am asked to enter a link to a site. What is this for?
12.Will I receive a lot of email from this list?
13.Can I be accused of spam by participating in this list?
14.Why am I asked to provide 2 different email addresses, a contact and a list address?


1. What is a safelist?
A safelist is a mailing list where all members can mail to each other. These emails cannot be considered as spam because every member has opted in and comfirmed their email adress. A safelist can be used to advertise websites, business opportunities and so forth.

2. Do Safelists Really Work?
Safelists are THE best form of free and low cost advertising and can be extremely effective.

3. How does the credit based mailer work?
With the credit based mailer you can email your ad to the entire safelist up to 2 times a day as long as you have available credits.

4. What is 1 credit worth?
1 credit is 1 member of the list you can send your ads to.

5. How can I earn credits?
You can earn credits by referring others to our Safelist and by clicking on special links into emails that you receive from our Safelist.

6. What is the Ad Rotation System?
It is a system that rotates banners, text ads, and HTML ads at the bottom of every page of the safelist.

7. How does the Ad Rotation System work?
When you add your banner or ad to ARS, It will be put in rotation with the ads of other members and will be randomly displayed on the site every time a page is loaded.

8. Who can use the ARS?
Every free and pro member of the list.

9. What does it cost for my ad to be displayed?
It will cost you 1 mailing credit for every ad or banner impression you get.

10. What kind of banners or ads can I display with ARS?
You can display any ad or banner as long as it doesn't violate the ARS terms.

11. When I send an ad, I am asked to enter a link to a site. What is this for?
This would normally be the same url you are advertising in your email ad. It is used for the credit system. When others read your ad and click on the credit link contained, they are taken to your site for a minimum of 15 seconds to obtain credit.

12. Will I receive a lot of email from this list?
Yes, you will receive a substantial amount of emails to your list address. You may put your account in 'vacation mode' to cease emails at any time if necessary.

13. Can I be accused of spam from participating in this list?
Absolutely positively not. All ads are sent from OUR server and OUR email address. Your name and email address are NEVER exposed unless you do so in your ad. Additionally, this safelist used a double opt-in procedure, which assures the fact that none of these ads can be considered spam.

14. Why am I asked to provide 2 different email addresses, a contact and a list address?
The contact email address is for administrative updates and messages, referral notices, commission notices, and the occasional contact solo advertisements. The list email address is where you will receive member advertisements. These addresses must be different.

The number of emails you receive will vary day to day based on member activity, however you will receive many emails from joining this list.

You will receive a maximum of 3-5 emails per day to your specified contact email address, and up to 50 emails per day to your specified list address, but these numbers are just estimates and may vary from day to day.

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